Ohio Next Pheasant Hunters
Welcome, the next in conservation and pheasant hunting enthusiasts. In efforts to help our younger generation play a larger role in our efforts to conserve and provide habitat for upland game, our chapter provides today's youth with opportunities to learn about what Pheasants Forever is truly about. With education and workshops on conservation and habitat restoration. To the safety of firearms and providing mentor youth hunts for those kids who may not have the same opportunities as most. Take a moment and read about our youth events or find out how you can become a key component of helping future Pheasants Forever Members.
Brian Wilkerson Memorial rabbit hunt 2022
This year, Seneca Conservation District (SCD) again hosted the Brian Wilkerson Memorial rabbit hunt at Proving Ground Farm(PGF). Each year, the Wilkerson Family of Clyde holds a youth rabbit hunt at Proving Ground Farm in honor of their son, Brian, whose life was tragically cut short in an automobile accident in 2019. Brian was a lover of the outdoors and the family felt that this annual event is a testament to one of Brian’s biggest passions. The Wilkerson Family partners with the Seneca County Chapter of Pheasants Forever (PF) to provide an opportunity to area youth hunters to hunt rabbits with beagle hounds.
This year’s hunt took place on Saturday, December 10th. The weather on the day of the hunt was cloudy and calm and, according to Dave Bruns, a local beagler and volunteer for the hunt, was perfect weather for the hunt. In total, nine hunters took part in the hunt but only one rabbit was harvested by the hunters. All hunters had an opportunity at a rabbit but for various reasons, only one was bagged.
There are several volunteers who assist in this hunt and they provide the beagles, lunch, and logistical support. Additionally, each hunter must be accompanied by an adult mentor to assist the hunters in gun safety, hunting guidance, and ethics.
Bruns explained that hunters are chosen randomly from the list of applicants. The event is separated into a morning hunt and an afternoon hunt. Lunch is served between the two hunts.

Youth Pheasant Hunt October
Pheasants Forever mentored pheasant hunts are the ideal way to introduce kids and teens to hunting, as experienced volunteer hunters from Pheasants Forever coach youth on the importance of firearm safety, wildlife habitat and hunting technique.
Youth Pheasant Hunt Saturday 28 October, 2023
Where: Various locations in Seneca County, OH. No Walk ins
Apply: 1 September thru 17 October 2020 to include name, address, phone number and age of each youth as of hunt date, prefer AM or PM report time. Applicants accepted on a first come basis and will receive a reply via email. Report times will be sent to you one week prior to the hunt.
Requirements: Valid Ohio Youth Hunting License, blaze orange vest or hat.
$10 fee, registration
Provided: 12 & 20 gauge shotgun shells, a guide & dog, shotguns provided on a limited basis. Food is free, door prizes, raffle items, ten clays birds will be thrown for youths to practice.

Youth Clay Shoot
Youth Clay Shoot simply show up and students shoot free 12 & 20 gauge shells provided.
1st Tuesday of September, October & November each year.
Time 5:00 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Location 7575 S. Twp Rd 131 Tiffin, OH Aka Sandusky River Coon Hunters a big white barn.

Youth Sporting Clays 2018
Sunday September 17, & October 1st 2017 Seneca County will hold their 4th annual youth sporting clay evant at the Miller conservation farm on Twp Rd 138, Tiffin, OH. 25 clays are thrown over the course of 4 stations, 3 bird stations and 1 rabbit station. Adults that bring a youth that participates are also able to also shoot for free. There will be 4 stations of clay targets for the beginner shotgun shooters to intermediate. The youths really seem to enjoy the course. Show, sign up shoot free from 2:00 to 5:00 P.M.

Youth Rabbit Hunt Jan 2016
Seneca County Pheasants Forever & Seneca Conservation District held a youth rabbit 1/23/2016. The temperatures were fairly low and the wind really had a bite to it, once we got in the woods out of the wind it was comfortable. There were two kids in the morning and two kids in the afternoon. All the kids seen rabbits, some got shots one bagged a rabbit, but they all seemed to enjoy the hunt. The kids learned about habit especially seeing habit that was created for wildlife. Kids learn even more so from seeing work done versus just talk.
Go to Photos tab scroll down till you find the tab 2016 Youth Rabbit Hunt and click on it to view additional pictures.

All Ladies Pheasant Hunt
All Ladies Pheasant Hunt Saturday December 9, 2017
Where: Sandusky River Coon Hunters 7575 South Twp. Rd 131 Tiffin, OH. No Walk ins
Apply: 15 October thru November 30, 2017 to include name, address, phone number and adult or youth, prefer AM or PM report time. Applicants accepted on a first come basis and will receive a reply via email. Report times will be sent to you one week prior to the hunt.
Requirements: Valid Ohio Hunting License. No husbands, fathers, boy friends etc allowed in the field during the hunt.
Provided: 12 & 20 gauge shotgun shells, a guide & dog, shotguns provided on a limited basis. Food is free, clay birds will be thrown prior to the hunt for to practice.

Youth Hunter Safety and Education
While we all like to have fun in the field and chase pheasants for miles, safety is one of the most important aspects. We promote and encourage hunter safety in the field. Through these classes and education we show both youth and adults the proper ways to hold, maneuver and proper gun care. Getting those who are not familiar with a gun, comfortable with handling their firearm so that they can enjoy their hunts successfully. For more information when or where our hunting safety classes can be found, please follow the links below.