Past Events
Annual Youth Pheasant hunt see info in flyer

Ohio Bird Dog Challenge
Date(s): Apr 01 - 01, 2023
Hours: 9:00 AM
Event: Ohio Bird Dog Challenge
1 to 2 person, 1 dog per team, 3 birds in the field Scoring is a combination of birds in hand, full or partial retrieve, number of shells used, time, with a 15 minute time limit.
Flushing class and a Pointing class
Participant Information
- Open to the Public Cost is $65 per team
- Dog may enter twice only best run counts
28th Annual Banquet
Date(s): Mar 25 - 25, 2023
Hours: 5:00 PM
Event: 28th Annual Banquet
FUND RAISER & DINNER Open to the Public, Live Auction to follow
--- SATURDAY, MARCH 25th, 2017 ---
At the Meadowbrook Park Ballroom in Bascom
Steak or Chicken Dinners - Catered by Special Occasions
Tickets sales will open up in January - Thank You

All Ladies Pheasant Hunt
Date(s): Dec 27 - 27, 2022
Hours: 8:30 AM
Event: All Ladies Pheasant Hunt
Apply: Email between Oct 15th to Nov. 30th to Include Name, address, phone number and youth or adult.
Requirements: Valid Ohio Hunting License is required, blaze orange vest or hat.
No Walk Ins
Provided: 12 and 20 gauge shotgun shells will be provided. If you use another gauge shotgun, you must provide your own shells. A guide and dog will be provided for you, shotgun provided on a limited basis Food is provided free of charge, along with door prizes and raffle items. Clay birds will be thrown to practice prior to the hunt.

Youth Pheasant Hunt
Date(s): Oct 29 - 29, 2022
Hours: 8:30 AM
Event: Youth Pheasant Hunt
Pheasants will be released in each field before each hunt.
Saturday 24 October 2020
Where: Sandusky River Coon Hunters 7575 West Twp. Rd 131 Tiffin, OH. No Walk ins
Apply: 1 Aug thru 17 Oct to include name, address, phone number and age as of 28 October. You will be notified of hunt time, you can request an AM or PM hunt time.
Requirements: Valid Ohio Youth Hunting License, passed an approved hunter education course, blaze orange vest or hat.
$10 fee, for insurance, registration & Pheasants Forever Ringneck
Provided: 12 & 20 gauge shotgun shells, a guide & dog, shotguns provided on a limited basis. Food is free , door prizes, raffle items, ten clays birds will be thrown for youths to practice.
Don 567-278-1551
Sponsored by Seneca County Pheasants Forever & Ohio Div. of WildLife

Youth upland hunt
Date(s): Oct 29 - 29, 2022
Hours: 8:00 AM
Event: Youth upland hunt
Apply thru 20 Oct to include name, address, phone number and age as of the hunt. You will be notified of hunt time, you can request an AM or PM hunt time.
Requirements: Valid Ohio Youth Hunting License, 17 years of age or younger, blaze orange vest or hat.
$10 fee, for insurance, registration & Pheasants Forever Ringneck
Provided: 12 & 20 gauge shotgun shells, a guide & dog, shotguns provided on a limited basis. Food is free , door prizes, raffle items, ten clays birds will be thrown for youths to practice.
Don 567-278-1551
Sponsored by Seneca County Pheasants Forever & Ohio Div. of WildLife

Sporting Clays
Date(s): Aug 21 - 21, 2022
Hours: 9:30 AM
Event: Sporting Clays
Please pre-register we need meal count, ammo etc.
Awards top 2 teams, Top Gun, Top Veteran,
Top Police, Fire & EMS, Top Lady
Squads of 2 or less will be combined to make a squad of 4
$100 Includes 100 clays, 100 rounds of 12 or 20 gauge shells, lunch, 1 ticket for Ruger 10/22 to be drawn that day.
Or $75 for 50 rounds, Non shooting guest $25 meal and 1 gun raffle ticket, guest names write on reverse side.
Proceeds for habitat, getting youths involved in outdoors
Corporate sponsor $500 recognition w/sign & 4 shooters

Monthly Meetings
Date(s): Aug 02 - 02, 2022
Hours: 6:30 PM
Event: Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings are the first Tuesday of each month held at the Sandusky River Coon Hunter's Lodge, 7575 W Township Road 131, Tiffin OH, 44883 The meetings start at 6:30 pm please join us. September 5th & November 7th, December 5th 2017
Pheasants Forever Seneca County Chapter President June meeting was called to order by President Mario Livojevic.
- Reports on Habitat projects in Seneca County included the Redfox Wildlife area and the Kelbley Wildlife area. The wind breaks at both wildlife areas were managed; numerous wire guards were replaced on young pines, also some pine trees were replaced. Maintaining grassland for wildlife required eliminating burdock and some other weeds, Fred Smith sprayed in May and Don Hunter will do a follow up spot spray.
- There was a long discussion about a raffle as a fund raiser. Details are to be worked out for a ten gun, gun raffle.
- The Youth Sporting Clay Shoot that is free to any youth seventeen years of age or younger and any adult that brings a youth that participates is to be held Sunday September 20th details are to be posted on
- The upcoming Seneca County Fair was discussed and Pheasants Forever will have a laser shot trailer available free for youths in the evening and we will help with the youth archery trailer.
- It was decided to order Pheasants Forever T-shirts and have available to the public to purchase at a reduced cost at Pheasants Forever events.
- Pheasants Forever Wildlife Biologist Dustin Lamoreaux was not in attendance but had been recently assisting landowners with planting habit and food plots. Anyone interested in information on planting grass buffers, quail buffers, wind breaks, Pheasant SAFE programs, food plots, and information on financial assistance that is available can contact Dustin at 419-551-5505. Research by Iowa State University has shown that if just 10 % of a field is converted to prairie strips, nitrogen loss will be reduced by 80 %, phosphorus loss will be cut by 90 %, and sediment loss will drop by 95 %. Overall, 5,353 pounds of soil per acre will be kept in the field instead of washed downstream. The reasons the strips can return so many benefits are manifold, but, in part, deep-rooted native perennials add organic matter to soils, prevent surface runoff, and result in better water retention and filtration.
- The next meeting will be 6:30 pm Tuesday July 7th, at W. Twp. Rd 110 Tiffin, OH. Anyone interested in learning more about Seneca County Pheasants Forever are welcome to attend and can call 567-278-1551 for more information.

Free Youth Sporting Clay Shoot
Date(s): Aug 02 - 02, 2022
Hours: 5:00 PM
Event: Free Youth Sporting Clay Shoot
Free: Open to the Public. All Youths 17 years of age and younger shoot free and any adult that brings a youth that participates may shoot one free round. Show up and shoot from 5 pm to 6:00 PM.
Provided: 12 or 20 gauge shotgun shells will be provided. If you use another gauge shotgun, you must provide your own shells.
Additional dates September 6th & October 4th.
Call Don at 567-278-1551 for more information

Sporting Clays
Date(s): Jun 18 - 18, 2022
Hours: 8:15 AM
Event: Sporting Clays
Saturday June 18, 2022
Reg 8:15 AM & Shotgun Start 9 AM must pre-register NLT 6-15-22
Elkhorn Lake Hunt Club
4146 Klopfenstein Rd, Bucyrus OH 44820
PH 567-278-1551
Cost: $100 per shooter
Awards top 2 teams, Door prizes,
4 person squads.
1 ticket - gun to be raffled off that day
Questions call Don 567-278-1551
Includes 100 clays, & Lunch, 12 or 20 gauge ammo included
Proceeds benefit getting youths outdoors & youth hunts.
$40 For lunch, gun raffle, door prizes, No sporting clays

2 Gun Pheasant Hunt Challenge
Date(s): Jan 14 - 14, 2017
Hours: 12:00 AM
Event: 2 Gun Pheasant Hunt Challenge
Ohio Pheasants Forever 2 Gun Hunt Challenge: Saturday January 14th, 2017, a timed event, 2 hunters, 1 dog, & 4 birds. It is fun, awards for top three places in flushing class & top two in pointing class, entry is $80 per team. Contact Elk Ridge Game Farm 5146 SR 96 Bucyrus OH 44820, Ph. 419-562-9997, for more info or to sign up.

Adult Mentor Hunt
Date(s): Dec 10 - 10, 2016
Hours: 8:30 AM
Event: Adult Mentor Hunt
Never hunted before or not hunted as an adult? This opportunity is for you.
Provided; Volunteers, dog handlers, a pheasants hunt, meals, assistance cleaning game, 12 and or 20 gauge shotgun shells, clay birds and for those who need a shotgun one will be provided.
Optional mentoring class is available & free that includes; How to select a properly fitting shotgun, a variety of shotguns will be available, proper selection of ammunition. How to field dress wild game. Hunting attire and proper footwear will also be covered. How to shoot a shotgun, ammunition, shells & clay birds will be provided. Shotgun cleaning station will be available and more.
Questions & answer session to cover what the participants want to discuss.
Required a valid Ohio Hunting license & completion of a Free Hunter Ed course. To schedule a Hunter Ed course call 1-800-WILD LIF 800-945-3543 or go online
The application link on the right of this page has Mentor class dates & hunt dates. Application must be printed out, filled out, and mailed.
District Meeting
Date(s): Aug 17 - 17, 2016
Hours: 6:30 PM
Event: District Meeting
Pheasants Forever will hold a District meeting open to the public that are interested in learning more about Pheasants Forever. The location is 7575 West Twp Rd 131 Tiffin, OH. 44883 After the District meeting Seneca County Pheasants Forever will break off for a brief Chapter meeting.
The date is tentative but will be confirmed in June please check back!!!!

Annual Youth Pheasant Hunts
Date(s): Saturday, October 28, 2023
Hours: 8:00 AM through 3:00 PM
Event: Youth Pheasant Hunt
No Walk ins Sponsored by Seneca County Pheasants Forever & Ohio Div. of Wildlife. Pheasants & chukars will be released in each field prior to each hunt. - - 12 and 20 gauge shotgun shells will be provided. If you use another gauge shotgun, you must provide your own shells. A guide and dog will be provided for you, shotgun provided on a limited basis Food is free, along with door prizes. Ten clays birds will be thrown for the youth to practice prior to the hunt - - Valid Ohio Youth Hunting License is Required, 17 years or younger - - Applicants accepted 1 September thru 19 October all emails received will be responded to within a few days. Include name/s gender, address, phone number and age as of the youth hunt date and preference for A.M. or P.M. hunt time or no preference to Pheasants & chukars will be released in each field before each hunt. Saturday 28 October Where: Sandusky River Coon Hunters 7575 West Twp. Rd 131 Tiffin, OH. No Walk ins Apply: 1 Sep thru 19 Oct to include name, address, phone number and age as of the hunt. You will be notified of hunt time, you can request an AM or PM hunt time. Requirements: Valid Ohio Youth Hunting License, passed an approved hunter education course, blaze orange vest or hat. $10 fee. Provided: 12 & 20 gauge shotgun shells, a guide & dog, shotguns provided on a limited basis. Food is free , door prizes, raffle items, ten clay birds will be thrown for youths to practice, Pheasants Forever Ringneck. Don 567-278-1551 or Sponsored by Seneca County Pheasants Forever & Ohio Div. of Wildlife

Sporting Clays
Saturday June 18, 2022
Reg 8:15 AM Shotgun Start 9 AM
Must pre-register NLT 6-15-20 Elkhorn Lake Hunt Club 4146 Klopfenstein Rd, Bucyrus OH 44820 PH 567-278-1551 Cost: $100 per shooter Awards top 2 teams, Top Gun, Top Veteran & Top Police Fire EMS. Door prizes, 4 person squads 1 ticket - gun to be raffled off that day Questions call Don 567-278-1551 Includes 100 clays, & Lunch, 12 or 20 gauge ammo included Proceeds benefit getting youths outdoors & youth hunts. $40 For lunch, gun raffle, door prizes, No sporting clays

Family Fun Shoot, Clays
Seneca County Pheasants Forever and ODNR will host a Youth Clay event Tuesday 5 pm to 6 pm August 1st, September 5th, October 3rd, 2023 at the Sandusky River Coon Hunters 7575 S. Twp. Rd 131 Tiffin, OH. There will be adult supervision and help throughout the event. The event is open to the public and is free to any youth seventeen or younger and any adult that brings a youth that participates. There will be clays thrown with a clay bird thrower. 12 gauge and 20 gauge shells will be provided and even shotguns will be available. Just show up, and shoot for Free, Open to the Public. For more information call 567-278-1551

Mentor Hunts with Chapter Members
Never hunted before or not hunted as an adult? This opportunity is for you. Provided; Volunteers, dog handlers, a pheasant / chukar hunt, meals, assistance cleaning pheasants, 12 and or 20 gauge shotgun shells, clay birds. 1/2 the day will be mentors men, women or youths, the other 1/2 of the day will be a ladies hunt. No Walkins Must Register. If you need a shotgun you must let us know in advance. Required a valid Ohio Hunting license & completion of a Free Hunter Ed course. To schedule a Hunter Ed course call 1-800-WILD LIF 800-945-3543 or go online Apprentice license is ok. The Pheasant Hunt will be held Dec 27th, times will be provided to participants, if it rains the hunt will still go, only under severe weather will it be rescheduled. Questions call Don 567-278-1551

Monthly Meetings
1st Tuesday of each month, monthly meeting 6:30 p.m. will be held at the Sandusky River Coon Hunt Lodge 7575 S. Twp Rd 131 Tiffin, OH. Join us for our monthly meetings. The Seneca County Chapter of Pheasants Forever would like to invite all members to attend these meetings. We discuss local habitat projects, youth events, annual banquet or other items related to Pheasants Forever and our local community in Ohio. * * * * Anyone interested in learning more about Ohio PF and Seneca County Pheasants Forever are welcome to attend. For more information call 567-278-1551.
Member Hunts
Saturday 14 January 2017 will be Ohio Pheasants Forever 2017 State Hunt Challenge at Elk Ridge Game Farm near Bucyrus Ohio. A timed event, 2 hunters, 1 dog, & 4 birds. It is fun, awards for top two places in flushing class and top two in pointing class. Last year’s entry was $80 per team Forming bonds and friendships in the field, all in the efforts of conservation. From time to time we have members getting together as a group to hunt some pheasants in our great state of Ohio. Check our collection of photos, from the photos of our members in the field, to our chapter events and hunts. All our chapter group photos can be found here. Even a few photos of our favorite hunting companions chasing some birds.
Annual Banquet Friday August 21, 2020
Each year Seneca County has an annual banquet to get fellow pheasant hunters and those in the community to gather together in support of habitat in Seneca County and youth events. Raising money to help the efforts of conservation and habitat that is related to our wildlife and pheasant population. As well, educating those new members and or youth in why our Pheasants Forever Chapter is important to the sport in our communities. 3/12/2020 the Governor of Ohio, announced a ban on mass gatherings of 100 people or more, and urged people to stay home and away from areas where they would otherwise be in close proximity to other In light of this, Seneca County Pheasants Forever, is announcing that our annual banquet has been rescheduled for FRIDAY AUGUST 21, 2020. Thank you for your support and understanding. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Val Gillig, Banquet Chairman Seneca County Pheasants Forever #293 775 W. Twp. Rd. 110 Tiffin, Ohio 44883 419-934-3891

Social Get-Togethers
25 clays & clay rabbits, 12 & 20 gauge shotgun shells provided. 17 and younger also any adult that brings a youth that participates. Show Up & Shoot Free, Open to the Public. Sunday, 20 September 2:00 to 5:30 pm Miller Farm 5670 E. Twp. Rd. 138 PH 567-278-1551
Hunter Safety Courses
While we all like to have fun in the field and chase pheasants for miles, safety is one of the most important aspects. We promote and encourage hunter safety in the field. Hunter education classes show both youth and adults the proper way to hold, maneuver and practice proper gun care. We at the Seneca County Chapter believe it is essential for kids to become familiar with gun operation and be comfortable with handling their firearm. For more information on our youth hunts, please contact us through our website. If you are interested in enrolling yourself or your child in the Ohio hunter education course, please click the link below. Call 1-800-WILDLIFE(945-3543) for more information. For more information on in enrolling yourself or your child in the Ohio hunter education course, Fred 419-937-5615
Veteran and Wounded Warrior Hunts
Each year the Seneca County Chapter gives back to those service men and women by showcasing a Hero Hunt. We wanted to give back something to those who defend our freedom so that we are able to do things like hunt, fish, and enjoy being in the outdoors in general. We will provide the location, shells, pheasants, dogs & handlers, clay birds, and etc. So dress accordingly and bring your shotgun! Be prepared for a good time in the field. There will also be a few raffles and food available for purchase.