About Pheasants Forever Seneca County - 293
A Local Ohio Chapter
Welcome. We are the Seneca County of Pheasants Forever (PF), a nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasants and other upland bird populations in North America.
Pheasants Forever is the only national organization with a model of chapters keeping 100% of the funds they raise. While belonging to a larger national organization that has a voice on federal and state conservation policies, chapters are tasked with finding projects for their funds. The Seneca County Chapter takes full advantage of this model using funds raised for projects locally as well as other areas in the state of Ohio.

Our Chapter Mission
Protect, restore, and enhance wildlife habitat by establishing and maintaining local projects.
- Create, improve, and preserve upland bird habitat
- Foster youth hunting and outdoor activities.
- Develop, distribute and foster conservation education.
- Introduce and advance prudent management of conservation policies.
Pheasants Forever is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasant and other wildlife populations in North America through habitat improvement, land management, public awareness, and education.

About Seneca County Pheasants Forever
The Seneca County Chapter was founded in 1988 due to the ongoing decline of both small game and habitat in the county. The individual that had the courage to take action at that time is still an active member and current officer of the organization. Fortunately, he had access to like minded individuals, many in the form of family members, that were willing to do their fair share to promote wildlife and the habitat required for its survival. Since most of those individuals are still the backbone of the organization, time has shown that they have done more than their fair share, as they still labor tirelessly towards that goal.
The original goal has not changed, rather the approach to achieving it is continually evolving as needs dictate. One current focus is youth involvement in outdoor activities to insure there will be individuals around that value wildlife and recognize the needs for its survival. There are some marvelous side benefits to this approach, like the smiles of the participants at youth events. The hope is those smiles will ensure the continuation of the habitat work that is so vital to wildlife and thereby keep the dream alive, that wildlife will always be here for us to enjoy. Since the Chapter has been a family endeavor from the begining, it's only fitting to extend an invitation to join us and enlarge our family.
Mario Livojevic

Our Local Habitat Projects
We actively partner with other chapters and Ohio organization of natural resources on many habitat projects.
- Habitat field days are conducted when opportunities arise.
- We involve young people through activities such as youth hunts and habitat projects.
- Habitat projects and efforts to restore and preserve public lands.
- Pollinator Plots that help, bees, butterflies, Monarchs, song birds, turkeys, deer and numerous other wildlife.
- Contribute to funding purchasing and restoration of local land throughout our community.
Our Fundraising
- Our annual fundraising banquet, which is attended by more than 350 people, generates thousands of dollars. The banquet is held the fourth Saturday in March each year.

Who Is Pheasants Forever?
A national organization dedicated to the preservation and restoration of habitat for upland game and wildlife throughout the nation.
- Over 145,000 grassroots members and volunteers who have developed more than 10 million acres of pheasant and other wildlife habitat since inception.
- 600 chapters completing over 35,000 projects annually.
What Can You Do To Help?
Please explore our website and discover more about the Seneca County Chapter. You'll find detailed information on all our activities and upcoming events. Let us know what you think; we appreciate your feedback. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us. We welcome people interested in the Pheasants Forever mission to attend our monthly meetings, listed on our events page.
- Become a Pheasants Forever member or sponsor
- Volunteer your time or resources to our chapter